Tariff Regulations


The CERC has issued the Terms and Conditions of Tariff regulations,2019 which has come into force from 1 April 2019 and will remain valid till 31st March 2024 i.e., for a period of five years. The primary purpose of these regulations is to determine the tariff of transmission projects having a COD on or after 1st April 2019.

Indian Electricity Grid Code, 2023

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Resolution By
Notification No. and date
No. L-1/265/2022/CERC dated 29 May 2023
"The IEGC brings together a single set of technical and commercial rules, encompassing all the Utilities connected to/or using the inter- State transmission system (ISTS) and provides the following:
1.To provides the roles, functions and reponsibilities of the concerned statutory bodies, generating companies, licensees and any other person connected with the operation of the power systems within the statutory frameworks.
2.To provide extensive provisions pertaining to reliability and adequacy of resources, technical and design criteria for connectivity to the grid, protection setting and performance monitoring of the protection systems,operational requirements and technical capabilities for secure and reliable grid operation, power system operations, integration of renewables, ancillary services and reserves and cyber security etc.[Preamble]"
Regulations called as
"Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Indian Electricity Grid Code) Regulations, 2023.
[Clause No. 1.1]"
Effective from
Date as the Central Commission may notify
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Introduction
"The planning code focuses on transmission resource adequacy for reliably meeting the projected demand in compliance with specified reliability standards.[Clause 4]
CTU shall undertake assessment and planning of the inter-State transmission system as per the provisions of the Act and shall inter alia take into account:
(i) adequate power transfer capability across each flow-gate;
(ii) import and export capability for each control area;
(iii) import and export capability between regions; and
(iv) cross-border import and export capability.
STU shall undertake assessment and planning of the intra-State transmission system as per the provisions of the Act and shall inter alia take into account:
(i) import and export capability across ISTS and STU interface; and
(ii) adequate power transfer capability across each flow-gate.
[Clause 5.4]"
Planning Code for ISTS - Objective
"The objective of the planning code is integrated resource planning including demand forecasting, generation resource
adequacy planning and transmission resource adequacy assessment, required for secure grid operation. [Clause 4.1]"
Planning Code for ISTS - Scope
"These regulations shall apply:
1. To all users, State Load Despatch Centres, Renewable Energy Management Centres, Regional Load Despatch Centres, National Load Despatch Centre, Central Transmission Utility, State Transmission Utilities, licensees, Regional Power Committees, Settlement Nodal Agencies, Qualified Coordinating Agencies and Power Exchanges to the extent applicable.
2. Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) shall be treated as a regional entity and a separate control area. The DVC Load Despatch Centre shall perform functions of an SLDC for the control area of DVC.
3. The generating stations of the Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB) and Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP) shall be treated as regional entities and their generating units shall be scheduled and despatched by respective RLDC in coordination with BBMB or Narmada Control Authority, as the case may be, having due regard to the irrigation and drinking requirements of the participating States.
(4) Any country inter-connected with the National Grid or Regional Grid shall be treated as a separate control area. [Clause 2]"
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Objective
The objectve of connection code is to force the entities inclusing cross border ,seeking connecton to ISTS to comply with the technical requirements. [Clause 6.3]
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Scope
"Users connected to or seeking to get connected to the ISTS
[Clause 7]"
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Procedure for connection
The connectivity to the ISTS shall be governed by the GNA regulations.[Clause 9]
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Connection Agreement
"1. The users seeking connectivity to the ISTS under GNA Regulations, shall sign a Connectivity Agreement with CTU.
2. In case of an inter-State transmission licensee, Connectivity Agreement shall be signed between such licensee and CTU after the award of the project and before physical connection to ISTS.
3. All Users connected to or seeking connection to the grid shall comply with all the applicable regulations as enacted or amended from time to time
3. In case of intra-State transmission system getting connected to inter-State transmission system, Connectivity Agreement shall be signed between intra-State transmission licensee, CTU and inter-State transmission licensee after the award of the project and before physical connection to ISTS.
[Clause 9]"
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Important technical requirements for connectivity to the grid
"1.NLDC/RLDC and SLDC, as the case may be, in consultation with CTU, STU or SLDC, as the case may be, shall carry out a joint system study six (6) months before the expected date of first energization of a new power system element to identify operational constraints, if any.
2. Reliable speech and data communication systems shall be provided to facilitate necessary communication, data exchange, supervision and control of the grid by the NLDC, RLDC and SLDC in accordance with the CERC (Communication System for Inter-State Transmission of Electricity) Regulations, 2017 and the CEA Technical Standards for Communication.
3. All users, STU and participating entities in case of cross-border trade shall provide, in coordination with CTU, the required facilities at their respective ends as specified in the connectivity agreement.{Clause 10,11]"
Protection Code - Introduction
"The protection code covers the protection protocol, protection settings and protection audit plan of electrical systems
[Clause 12]"
Protection Code - Objective
"The objective of the protction code is to provide
1. Uniform protection protocol for the users of the grid.
2. Proper co-ordination of protection system.
3. Avoid unintended operation of protection system.
4. To provide for periodic audit of protection system.
[Clause 12]"
Key words
ATC, COD, GNA, National Grid, TTC, TRM